In the midst of yet another hectic day, with deadlines looming and the holiday season approaching, I’ll say it up front and for all to hear—Josh and I are incredibly blessed. We live where the weather is warm and the views are absolutely breathtaking; we’ve been able to build an exciting life together with an abundance of friends and family that we adore; we get to vacation in inspiring locales; our businesses are doing well and we love what we do. And, when I take a moment to breathe, reflect and just be, I am reminded of just how grateful I truly am.
Being caught up in a non-stop schedule or a busy career can often keep us from appreciating the little moments of peace and beauty that are right at our our finger tips. They seem constantly out of reach because we’re so busy doing. I am particularly guilty. But just a little gratitude is an amazing thing. Studies show that spending just five minutes of our day being grateful reduces stress, relieves anxiety, helps promote healthy sleep, and improves self-esteem. Best of all, gratitude can be felt, experienced, appreciated almost anywhere and at any time.
Yes, you can make time to sit down with a cup of herbal tea (or wine!) to carefully write your moments of gratitude in a lovely journal. But you can also embrace gratitude in your everyday tasks. All you have to do is pause, breathe, and let yourself be in the moment, exactly as you are. So here are a few suggestions on ways to work five minutes of gratitude into your day:
Breathe deeply and take in your surroundings while you’re out walking the dog… or any time for that matter.
Realize when you’re doing your favorite thing at work, and savor the moment. Remember how hard you’ve worked to get where you are!
Use that time you’re spend sitting in traffic. Yes, that busy commute time can be filled with positive reflection. I’ve recently started using the Audible app to listen to audio books, and right now I’m really enjoying The Power of Now by Ekhart Tolle.
Contemplate the order of the world while restoring order to your home. Make ordinary chores like doing dishes or the laundry into a wonderfully meditative break. Treat yourself to an aromatic dish soap like Puracy Green Tea & Lime or or a perfumed laundry detergent like Le Labo Rose 31 Signature Detergent by The Laundress.

I’d love to know where you find your moments of gratitude…. Let me know in the comments section below!